Dr Ghanem Aldik
Consultant Respiratory Physician MD, MRCP
Specialises in:
Respiratory Medicine, General (internal) Medicine
Available for:
Virtual Consultations.
Private Practice at:
•Nuffield Health Guilford
•Circle Guilford Mount Alvernia Hospital
Dr Aldik is a Respiratory Consultant at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford, where he has taken the lead on lung cancer and interventional procedures like pleural effusion aspirations, bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound.
Additional information
Dr Aldik’s specialist interest is interventional diagnostic procedures, this accompanies his work leading the lung cancer pathway and managing patients on the diagnostic part of this pathway.
Chest ultrasound, pleural aspiration/ chest drain and plurex catheter insertions are all procedures used in the investigation and treatment of a pleural effusion ( a collection of fluid around the lung).
Bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) are cameras and small ultrasound probes that are used to diagnose conditions such as lung cancer, sarcoid and lung scarring. EBUS is used to get samples from the lymph glands near the windpipes, whereas bronchoscopy is used to get samples from the windpipes themselves.
Other interests
Dr Aldik works closely with a multidisciplinary team of GPs/ Doctors and physiotherapist in the management of long term COVID symptoms. This MDT approach has proven to be highly effective.
Dr Aldik is very passionate about treating airway diseases (asthma and COPD) and has developed a vast experience in managing these conditions. During his training, he developed a local pathway of treatment based on national guidance.
Dr Aldik Studied at the prestigious Damascus School of Medicine. Specialist respiratory medicine training at Plymouth Teaching Hospitals NHS.