Dr Mathina Darmalingam
Consultant Respiratory Physician
BSc, MBBS, MCPS Medicine (Pak), MRCP (UK), FCPS Pulmonology (Pak), FRCP (Glasg), FCCP (US)
Specialises in:
Respiratory medicine,
General internal medicine
Available for:
Virtual Consultations.
Practicing at:
•Whipps Cross University Hospital
Dr Darmalingam has experience in all areas of respiratory medicine as well as general internal medicine. She has been local TB lead for Whipps Cross University Hospital and is the principal investigator on a number of clinical trials.
Additional information
Respiratory infections, including TB, airflow diseases (asthma & COPD), cough, lung cancer, pleural diseases, ILD, sleep apnea and flexible bronchoscopy.
Dr Darmalingam trained at the University of Cape Town & Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Training in ITU was undertaken at University College London Hospital. On completion of her training she spent three years as a consultant at Kings College Hospital before joining the team at Whipps Cross University Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust.